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 273 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 2.83 MB, 1 tiedosto
11.05.2019 13:51:28
[ + 0 | ]

Megadeth - Symphony of Destruction (Live)




(27)  · 


11.05.2019 13:52:07 | 13:55:31
#200555 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

[Verse 1]
You take a mortal man
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch people's heads a'roll
A'roll, a'roll...

[Chorus 1]
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony of destruction

[Verse 2]
Actin' like a robot
Its metal brain corrodes
You try to take its pulse
Before the head explodes
Explodes, explodes...

[Chorus 2]
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Swaying to the symphony of destruction

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 3]
The Earth starts to rumble
World powers fall
A'warring for the heavens
A peaceful man stands tall
A'tall, a'tall...

[Chorus 3]
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Just like the Pied Piper
Led rats through the streets
We dance like marionettes
Swaying to the symphony
Swaying to the symphony of destruction

[ 2 viestiä | ]