Rekisteröitynyt 19.08.2021 16:27:02
Nähty 162 päivää sitten
Sukupuoli Mies
Viestejä 104
Tageja annettu 9
Vierailuja 745
Medioita 2
Medioiden näyttökerrat 997
Plussia 187
Saavutuksia Ei ole
Night haunts and evil lurks in every corner
Like plague it's spreading - I behold
Loneliness, yet with you autumn night as guest
But can you hear my cries?
Permeate me, oh night, as with the forest you did
for heart is cold, cold as ice

I drown in the colour of your eye
for a black heart will only find beauty in darkness
I breathe it's eternity to absorb the sky
where the shadows of death may lie

Feel the call - Nocturnal desire
Sorrow's breath - Enchanting cries
Night's blood - Taste damnation's wine
Feel the pain - Nocturnal desire
The devil's path of dark delight
Night's blood - Pure damnation's wine
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