Rekisteröitynyt 01.02.2021 12:20:36
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Verenhimoinen vasemmisto yrittää vielä viimeisillä voimillaan tehdä kaikkensa että saataisiin kuolemaa ja tuhoa niin paljon kuin vaan voi. Onneksi nyt on valittu tolkku ja oikeamielinen maailmanjohtaja joka lopettaa tämän hulluuden. Rukoilkaa, ettei se ole liian myöhäistä. Ironista on että ennen se oli vasemmisto joka vastusti sotaa ja tappamista, nykyään se on valmis polttamaan maailman että valemedian masinoima agenda saataisiin saatettua maaliin ja mikäli se ei olisi mahdollista, elämän on loputtava. Vasemmistoliberaalien verenhimolla ei ole rajoja. Tammikuun 20. ei voi tulla tarpeeksi nopeasti. Turhan verenvuodatuksen pitää loppua. Suursota pitää estää.
18.11.2024 02:52:02
#660555 [+1] Piilota Suosittele

Shari Redstone is the non-executive chairwoman of Paramount Global (formerly known as ViacomCBS) and chairwoman, president and CEO of National Amusements, and a former vice chair of CBS Corporation and Viacom. Through National Amusements, Redstone and her family hold majority voting power over Paramount Global and its subsidiaries – CBS, Comedy Central, BET, Showtime Networks, Nickelodeon, MTV and the film studio Paramount Pictures. As of 2019, Paramount Global operates over 170 networks and reaches approximately 700 million subscribers in 180 countries.

In 2020, Redstone was named on Time's list of the 100 most influential people in the world. In 2023, she ranked 37th in Forbes list of "World's 100 most powerful women".

Redstone is the daughter of Phyllis Gloria Raphael and Sumner Redstone. Sumner was a second-generation Bostonian; his father Michael was born in Boston in 1902 to Galician Jewish parents originally from Kozova, a shtetl in Austro-Hungarian land now in Ukraine.

Brian L. Roberts (born June 28, 1959) is an American billionaire businessman, and the chairman and CEO of Comcast, an American company providing cable, entertainment, and communications products and services which was founded by his father, Ralph J. Roberts.

Comcast is the fourth-largest broadcasting and cable television company worldwide by revenue (behind China Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T). It is the third-largest pay-TV company, the second-largest cable TV company by subscribers, and the largest home Internet service provider in the United States.

Roberts was born into a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Robert Alan Iger; born February 10, 1951) is an American media executive who is chief executive officer (CEO) of The Walt Disney Company.

The company is known for its film studio division, the Walt Disney Studios, which includes Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Pixar, Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Studios, 20th Century Animation, and Searchlight Pictures. Disney's other main business units include divisions in television, broadcasting, streaming media, theme park resorts, consumer products, publishing, and international operations. Through these divisions, Disney owns and operates the ABC television network; cable television networks such as Disney Channel, ESPN, Freeform, FX, and National Geographic; publishing, merchandising, music, and theater divisions; direct-to-consumer streaming services such as Disney+, ESPN+, Hulu, and Hotstar; and Disney Experiences, which includes several theme parks, resort hotels, and cruise lines around the world.

Robert Alan Iger was born to a Jewish family in New York City.

David Zaslav (born January 15, 1960) is an American media executive who is the current CEO and president of Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD).

Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. (WBD) is an American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate headquartered in New York City.

The company's properties are divided into nine business units, consisting of the flagship Warner Bros. film and television studios, comic book publisher DC Comics, Home Box Office, Inc. (including HBO, Cinemax and Magnolia Network), U.S. Networks Group (including the majority of the advertisement-supported cable channels of its predecessors, namely Discovery, Scripps Networks, Turner Broadcasting, and Warner), CNN Worldwide (which includes CNN and CNN International), TNT Sports (including Motor Trend Group, TNT Sports UK, and Eurosport), Global Streaming & Interactive Entertainment (which includes the Discovery+ and Max streaming services, as well as the video game publisher Warner Bros. Games), and International Networks. It also holds a one-eighth stake in The CW (with Paramount Global also owning a one-eighth stake), and a majority stake in Television Food Network, G.P. (comprising Food Network and Cooking Channel), which are co-owned by Nexstar Media Group.

David Zaslav was born into a Jewish family in New York City's Brooklyn borough on January 15, 1960.

Judith Miller (born January 2, 1948)[1] is an American journalist and commentator who is known for writing about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program both before and after the 2003 invasion, but her writings were later discovered to have been based on fabricated intelligence.

Miller was born in New York City. Her Russian-born father, Bill Miller, was Jewish.

18.11.2024 16:07:01
#660593 [+3] Piilota Suosittele

sulta unohtu puuttinin kuva, mutta hyvä kollaasi jokatapauksessa

siitä lähtien kun idiootit tarttuivat jutkujen psyoppiin, jossa trumppi ja puuttini ja kaikki muut jutkujen kätyrit esitetään sankareina jotka pelastaa valkoisenrodun neekereiltä, ählämeiltä, vinosilmiltä ja niiltä PERKELEEN meksikaaneilta. TRUMP BUILD FENCE! onhan tämä suomessakin havaittavissa, kuinka persut hurraa israelille, kun ne pommittaa ählämeitä. ei tullut israelin kannattajilla mieleen, että ne ählämit tulee pakolaisina tänne. tuolla ameriikan internetissä on joku ihme "cuckraina" ulina. miten se on cuck jos taistelet maasi itsenäisyydestä imperialistista(siionistista) paskamaata vastaan? ei se ole cuck, se on based.

[ 9 viestiä | ]