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Paint-joulukalenteri 2019 - Luukku 21 Paint-joulukalenteri 2019 - Luukku 21
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Jamal on aina mukana Jamal on aina mukana
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Futanari Futanari
 222 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 0.7 MB, 1 tiedosto, 20.03.2018 02:27:03
[ + 1 | ]

Frowning - Murdered By Grief (Funeral Doom Metal)


(297)  · 


20.03.2018 02:28:32 | 02:41:16
#39738 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

luck is lost in my life
the only will to live has died
I failed
nothing more matters to me
all hope is finally gone
I failed...I failed so hard
Now I cross the gates of the graveyard
directed by the grey funeral fog
I follow the mournful congregation
the rain begins
the rain out of my eyes
Drowned in a million of tears
a hole with a casket in it
slowly filled with this miry soil
Tortured by the loss
all these memories
my head explodes
all I gave
I gave for you
all I've done
I've done for you
all I said
I said for you
you are the one I will miss forever

nothing hold's me alive now, not anymore...

[ 1 viestiä | ]