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 213 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.48 MB, 1 tiedosto, 07.02.2018 09:02:49
[ + 1 | ]

Eisbrecher - Zwischen Uns

07.02.2018 09:05:24 | 09:10:35
#26359 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

In Our Way

Worlds between us
I'll throw them off their orbit
The desert between us
I'll go through it
The jungle between us
I'll load my rifle
The ocean between us
I'll drink the whole thing
Doubts between us
I'll clear them all up
Walls between us
I have a hard fist
The woods between us
I have a chainsaw
And I'll find myself a way

I race for you
I burn for you
I won't run from any trouble along the way
Still there is even more between us

I run for you
I hang myself for you
I want your heart to beat only for me
Still there is even more between us
Still there is even more

Mountains between us
I'll blow them all up
The stars between us
I'll set them down lower
The future between us
I'll make it safe for you
The drama between us
I'll find myself a new writer
Parents between us
I'll charm them
Career between us
I'll fill in all the gaps
Stones between us
I'll get them rolling
And then kick it into overdrive

I race for you
I burn for you
I won't run from any trouble along the way
Still there is even more between us

I run for you
I hang myself for you
I want your heart to beat only for me
Still there is even more between us
Still there is even more

The bouncer between us
I'll let myself in
Tables between us
I'll hack them to bits
That guy over there between us
I'm afraid he'll have to go now
This moment between us
I'll make it the right one
Ice between us
I'll break through it
Words between us
I'll stop talking
Three steps between us
I'll catch your attention
And pull you in

Until nothing, nothing, nothing more
Stands between us
And I finally feel your heartbeat

I race for you
I burn for you
I won't run from any trouble along the way
Still there is even more between us

I run for you
I hang myself for you
I want your heart to beat only for me
Still there is even more between us

[ 3 viestiä | ]