Internet-levykkeet (Jonnet ei muista) Internet-levykkeet (Jonnet ei muista)
mustahiiri mustahiiri
sanna piilossa sanna piilossa
Jeccu Jeccu
Ihana nainen Ihana nainen
Sähköautorealismia. Sähköautorealismia.
finland yes finland yes
:3 :3
sosialismi sosialismi
Nainen talviurheilee Nainen talviurheilee
teuu voo o'ooo teuu voo o'ooo
dressmanne dressmanne
Homoilijoita Homoilijoita
Katse kaukaisuuteen Katse kaukaisuuteen
Huomenta Huomenta
katti ja teppo katti ja teppo
Lauantai Tissit Lauantai Tissit
Siepin tissit Siepin tissit
Naisten futis 2 Naisten futis 2
Polpo Polpo
monikulttuurisuus monikulttuurisuus
Noisestorm Noisestorm
neekerit ei vaa osaa neekerit ei vaa osaa
 244 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 18.10.2020 23:10:43
[ + 0 | ]

Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness (OV)


(165)  · 


18.10.2020 23:11:22
#400337 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Culture sucks down words
Itemise loathing and feed yourself smiles
Organise your safe tribal war
Hurt maim kill and enslave the ghetto

Each day living out a lie
Life sold cheaply forever, ever, ever

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness
Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Life lies a slow suicide
Orthodox dreams and symbolic myths
From feudal serf to spender
This wonderful world of purchase power

Just like lungs sucking on air
Survivals natural as sorrow, sorrow, sorrow

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness
Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

All we want from you are the kicks you've given us
All we want from you are the kicks you've given us
All we want from you are the kicks you've given us
All we want from you are the kicks you've given us

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness
Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness

Drive away and it's the same
Everywhere death row, everyone's a victim
Your joys are counterfeit
This happiness corrupt political shit

Living life like a comatose
Ego loaded and swallow, swallow, swallow

Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness
Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness
Under neon loneliness motorcycle emptiness
Under neon loneliness everlasting nothingness

[ 1 viestiä | ]