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 473 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 27.08.2020 04:34:11
[ + 1 | ]

 Trevor Something - Fade Away [Explicit]


27.08.2020 04:35:26 | 04:38:22
#380104 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

It's surreal how I feel
I try so hard but still you don't open up
Emotions you hold in
Act like you care but still you don't give a fuck

And I try to get to know you
But you fade away, yea you fade away
I know you're scared
Feelings are spared
'Cause you fade away, yea you fade away

You don't know where to go
Lost in this world and everyday is the same
Don't know why we still try
It never works but still we do it again

And I try to get to know you
But you fade away, yea you fade away
I know you're scared
Feelings are spared
'Cause you fade away, yea you fade away

And I try to get to know you
But you fade away, yea you fade away
I know you're scared
Feelings are spared
'Cause you fade away, yea you fade away

[ 1 viestiä | ]