Dyslexia cat - "are you chitting me?" Dyslexia cat - "are you chitting me?"
Ja painakaa mieleenne! Ja painakaa mieleenne!
Arvaa mikä päivä? Arvaa mikä päivä?
Ilon ja onnen päivä! Ilon ja onnen päivä!
Luolasto Luolasto
Ack ack ack Ack ack ack
Teit kohtalokkaan virheen >:3 Teit kohtalokkaan virheen >:3
Livin' La♂Gay L♂ca Livin' La♂Gay L♂ca
Tukia tänne ny Tukia tänne ny
Kissakuvia ja gifejä Kissakuvia ja gifejä
Darius sedän valinta Darius sedän valinta
Rip Rip
Tissivalo Tissivalo
stop pls stop pls
Kaksipäinen poro Kaksipäinen poro
Hyvää hoshtaita! Hyvää hoshtaita!
Metsäpalo eskaloitui Metsäpalo eskaloitui
toinen maailmansota toinen maailmansota
Korvatillikan päiväuni Korvatillikan päiväuni
Sp♂ngebob Herrrington♂ Sp♂ngebob Herrrington♂
Hymy huuleen Hymy huuleen
Ei ole edes kuumaa Ei ole edes kuumaa
Tapahtuipa kerran naurunappulassa Tapahtuipa kerran naurunappulassa
selfie selfie
 467 näyttökertaa, 5 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 22.08.2020 04:59:29
[ + 3 - | ]

Kate Bush - Running up that hill


(57)  · 


(165)  · 

kate bush

22.08.2020 04:59:42 | 05:01:28
#377571 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could...

It doesn't hurt me
Do you want to feel how it feels?
Do you want to know, know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you want to hear about the deal that I'm making?

It's you and me

And if I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get him to swap our places
Be running up that road
Be running up that hill
Be running up that building
If I only could, oh

You don't want to hurt me
Unaware I'm tearing you asunder
Is there so much hate for the ones we love?

Be running up that road
Be running up that hill
Be running up that building

[Guitar Solo]

Come on, baby
Oh, come on, darling
Let me steal this moment from you now
Oh, come on, angel
Come on, come on, darling
Let's exchange the experience, oh

Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, darling
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, angel
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, darling
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, darling
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, angel
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, darling
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, darling
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, angel
Come on, come on, baby
Come on, come on, darling

If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could, I'd be running up that hill
If I only could...

[ 5 viestiä | ]