Näin ollaan tuhma kissa Näin ollaan tuhma kissa
ne näkkee miut relaxoimassa, ne vihhoo ne näkkee miut relaxoimassa, ne vihhoo
Nalle Buh Nalle Buh
mämmi mämmi
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3kg Makaroonimössöhaaste 3kg Makaroonimössöhaaste
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Feministit rikkomassa vaakoja Feministit rikkomassa vaakoja
>ei omaa sisäistä ääntä >ei omaa sisäistä ääntä
Friday friday Friday friday
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metsämies metsämies
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Ei Ei
36 faktaa 36 sukupuolesta 36 faktaa 36 sukupuolesta
Villi hetki. Villi hetki.
Huutikset Huutikset
Lööps Lööps
2004 Street Fighter cat 2004 Street Fighter cat
 309 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 0.38 MB, 5 tiedostoa, 28.07.2020 08:48:38
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sateen tuoksu



28.07.2020 08:52:09
#368544 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

1. The figure showing a 5 in the dice is called a quincunx, that is, 4 points forming a rectangle or a square, and an extra point right in the middle.

2. Maybe you thought this part of your shoelaces didn’t have a name. However, it’s called an aglet, and it’s meant to allow laces to fit easily into the holes in your shoes without splitting

3. This feature is popularly known as “Greek foot” and the specific variation of having your second toe longer than your big toe is called Morton’s toe.

4. The smell that is produced when rain falls on dry soil, and which is popularly known as “the smell of rain,” is actually called petrichor.

5. That sudden rumbling you hear coming from your stomach as a sign of hunger is called borborygmus. It’s no wonder nobody knows what it’s called...

[ 2 viestiä | ]