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#PrayForFrodo #PrayForFrodo
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thaitanic thaitanic
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Heaveno Heaveno
Ahmedinem Ahmedinem
Risteilymätöt Risteilymätöt
Lääkärissä Lääkärissä
jethron vene jethron vene
Äijäpiispa Äijäpiispa
sileä sileä
Absolutely Sugoi Absolutely Sugoi
Ye olde astronomy Ye olde astronomy
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Jace Everett - Bad Things (OV) Jace Everett - Bad Things (OV)
bensa varas bensa varas
5:01 pitkä Mohulu uugabuuga 5:01 pitkä Mohulu uugabuuga
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Slade Slade
Juu juu, demokratiaahan sitä tahdotaan Juu juu, demokratiaahan sitä tahdotaan
pelastettu pelastettu
 369 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 04.04.2020 13:54:31
[ + 1 | ]

Mind.in.a.Box - Sun and Storm


(178)  · 

cyber punk



(26)  · 


04.04.2020 14:51:50
#326973 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

So I'm still plodding on
On a path I cannot see
So I left it all behind
For a future where I'm free

All my dreams had turned to dust
And my lust for life declined
All my hopes had gone away
Just a trace left in my mind

For my will stopped to resist
I let it take me away
For my whole world fell apart
What is left I cannot say

And everything I was has turned to pain
And everyone I knew thinks I'm to blame
And everything I was has turned to pain
And everyone I knew thinks I'm to blame
And everywhere I go I feel the same
And everytime I try I try in vain

You had come to fill the void
But you always were forlorn
You had come into my life
And you brought both sun and storm

I could never break its force
And then I was left to mourn
I never knew what went wrong
But you were both sun and storm

When you came I did not fear
But the shadow took your side
When you fell I had to stay
But I think I've also died

And everywhere I go I feel the same
And everytime I try I try in vain
And everything I was has turned to pain
And everyone I knew thinks I'm to blame
And everywhere I go I feel the same
And everytime I try I try in vain

[ 1 viestiä | ]