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 229 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 16.11.2019 01:26:25
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Filter "Catch a Falling Knife"


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16.11.2019 01:27:35
#271227 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Life was just a school yard.
Life was just a play ground.
Life was just a sweet suburban memory.

It got changed when I first met you.
It got changed and I just let you.
I just had to keep the peace inside of me.

I have spent my life in here; in your home, but my hell.
I have spent my life in here; in your home, but my hell.

Catch a falling knife with a razor's edge.
To catch a falling life, that's better off dead.

Mom and Dad, what happened?
I looked back and you were missing.
It's been like that for such a long, and lonely time.

Life was just a school yard.
Life was just a play ground.
Life was just a sweet suburban memory.

I have spent my life in here; in your home, but my hell.
I have spent my life in here; in your home, but my hell.

Catch a falling knife with a razor's edge.
To catch a falling life, that's better off dead.

Change the world in me.
You didn't let me see.
Hearts grow black and cold.
It was young and now it's old.

Catch a falling knife with a razor's edge.
To catch a falling life, that's better off dead.

Catch a falling knife with a razor's edge.
To catch a falling life, that's better off dead.

I have spent my life in here; in your home, but my hell.
I have spent my life in here; in your home, but my hell.

Catch a falling knife with a razor's edge.
To catch a falling life, that's better off dead...

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