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 257 näyttökertaa, 6 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 31.08.2019 23:44:09
[ + 1 | ]

Betzefer - The Devil Went Down To The Holy Land (OV)


(244)  · 


(45)  · 

stop motion



(65)  · 


31.08.2019 23:45:49 | 23:49:34
#242190 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

The Devil went down to the Holy Land
Saw it's already fucked
And he thought to himself:
"What a mess! Beautiful mess, my biding is done"

Not a man could be trusted even by his own brother
And the people where scared as they hated each other
What a mess! Beautiful mess, Rock n'Roll!

Thought police was firmly in control
And little girls went on display just trying to fill a hole

And I thought to myself:
"Where's the innocence?"

And that's no surprise it's been so goddamn hard as of late
We're neve gonna be cold...
You know the Devil is lord

The Devil went down to the Holy Land
He took a piss on our backs
And we could swear it was rain
What a beautiful piece of mess, Rock n'Roll!

Thought police was firmly in control
And little girls went on display just trying to fill a hole

And I thought to myself:
"Where is the innocence?"

And that it's no surprise it's been so goddamn hot as of late
We're never gonna be cold...
You know the Devil is lord!

01.09.2019 00:01:29
#242206 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


Tästä on netissä myös pidempi versio jossa pysäytyksen jälkeen kissa kiipeää kyytiin ja rupeaa kiertämään ympäri vaunun mukana, mutta en nyt ehdi etsiä sitä tähän hätään, joudut hakemaan itse :3

[ 6 viestiä | ]