gianna gianna
taxi taxi
modern walking modern walking
die nadsionaale die nadsionaale
Muumi Guy Muumi Guy
save children save children
Penetraattori Penetraattori
Isku Mogadishuun Isku Mogadishuun
Tyhjä Tyhjä
Jeccu :D Jeccu :D
Ota minut, Jasse-setä Ota minut, Jasse-setä
Jussi osaa! Jussi osaa!
Salamia kirkkaalta taivaalta Salamia kirkkaalta taivaalta
Tohtori mehiläiset palaa jälleen Tohtori mehiläiset palaa jälleen
Kermaperunakebu pizza citystä Kermaperunakebu pizza citystä
greeber greeber
Mustalaiset keppostelee Mustalaiset keppostelee
White power White power
Demari Demari
Vitun EU, vitun Marin Vitun EU, vitun Marin
Eu propagandaa Eu propagandaa
futadance.webm futadance.webm
Yö palaa Yö palaa
 209 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 31.08.2019 00:42:46
[ + 1 | ]

Fear Factory - Replica [OV]

31.08.2019 00:44:29 | 00:48:53
#241781 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


There is no loveeee! No loveeeeee!

I am a duplication
I was conceived
So violently
There was no love
There was no love for me
There was only hatred

I am rape
I am hate
I am rape
I am hate

Every day I feel anonymous hate
Forever in the shadow of disgrace

I am rape
I am hate
I am rape
I am hate

Filled with pain
A bruised and darkened soul
Spare me from the life
that's full of misery

I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way

There is no loveee!

Every day I feel anonymous hate
Forever in the shadow of disgrace

I am rape
I am hate
I am rape
I am hate

Filled with pain
A bruised and darkened soul
Spare me from the life
that's full of misery
I am so
Filled with pain
A bruised and darkened soul
Spare me from the life
that's full of miseryyyyyy

I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way

I am so
Filled with pain
A bruised and darkened soul
Spare me from the
Life that's full of misery
Spare me from the
Life that's full of pain
Spare me from the
Life that's full of pain
I don't want to live that way (pain)
I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way
I don't want to live that way

[ 2 viestiä | ]