We-e-e-e, e-e-e-e-e e, we-u-mum-a-way We-e-e-e, e-e-e-e-e e, we-u-mum-a-way
A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh
In the jungle, the dark jungle, the niggas nigs tonight In the jungle, the abandoned jungle, the niggas nigs tonight
Near the village, the black village, the niggas nigs tonight Near the village, the ghetto village, the niggas nigs tonight
Run my darling, be afraid my darling. The niggas nigs tonight Run my darling, be afriad my darling. The niggas nigs tonight
Erikoinen biisi valinta otsikoksi. Itse olisin menny Guns N' Rosesin Welcome to the Jungle mukaan:
Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here every day You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play If you got hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually You can have everything you want but you better not take it from me
3 viestiä
Kuvaotokset #49
romania videos 2
Amerikkalainen automainos
Mikko tuu pois sieltä siellä on kisa menossa
kesäyön ajelija
Just girly things
Auton sulatus
Gif kokoelma @Riffe:n muistolle ;_;
Hommaa auto
Driftailun perusoppimäärä (turku drift kuuluu lisäkursseihin)