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 856 näyttökertaa, 4 viestiä, 1.35 MB, 1 tiedosto, 01.12.2017 19:09:28
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[3160] [turpin-serkku.webm] [1.35 MB] [270x480] [] []




13.04.2018 13:31:18 | 13:32:00
#47039 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"See, my form of dwarfism is called achondroplasia (the most common type, actually), and it involves a lot of the cartilage in my body failing to do what the Good Lord intended it to do -- become bone. So my kind and I wind up with short arms, short legs, stubby fingers and toes, and a fun-size version of anything else that contains actual bone. This is also why dwarfs typically have a pot belly, no matter how much our CrossFit trainer screams at us. Our ribs simply can't hold our lungs and whatever else Dr. House says is in there, so everything just spills out. When we blame it on bone size, it's not just an excuse.
Boners, funnily enough, contain no bone. A penis is simply a bunch of tissue, and a dwarf's body has no problem growing tissue. This results in a dick that, quite frankly, looks just like any other. Our average size is five to six inches, just like taller guys. Only difference is, ours are on small frames and thus look way more impressive."

[ 4 viestiä | ]