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 411 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.05 MB, 1 tiedosto, 08.06.2019 13:28:45
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Vintage - Judy Garland

[30521] [0.jpg] [0.05 MB] [800x492] [] []






08.06.2019 13:32:32 | 13:35:31
#211811 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"A troubled teen, an actress, an icon for a few generations"

"Judy Garland (born Frances Ethel Gumm; June 10, 1922 – June 22, 1969) was an American actress, singer, dancer, and vaudevillian. During a career that spanned 45 years, she attained international stardom as an actress in both musical and dramatic roles, as a recording artist, and on the concert stage. Respected for her versatility, she received a juvenile Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, and a Special Tony Award. Garland was the first woman to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year for her live recording Judy at Carnegie Hall (1961)."

Lähde: Wikipedia


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