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 341 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 2.91 MB, 1 tiedosto, 24.05.2019 04:35:31
[ + 0 | ]

Rob Zombie - Dragula


(244)  · 

sheri moon



24.05.2019 04:37:15 | 04:47:46
#205705 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

(Superstition, fear and jealousy)

Dead I am the one, exterminating son
Slipping through the trees, strangling the breeze
Dead I am the sky, watching angels cry
While they slowly turn, conquering the worm

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Dead I am the pool, spreading from the fool
Weak and want you need, nowhere as you bleed
Dead I am the rat, feast upon the kike
Tender is the fur, dying as you burn

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Do it baby, do it baby
Do it baby, do it baby
Burn like an animal

Dead I am the life, dig into the skin
Knuckle crack the bone, 21 to win
Dead I am the dog, hound of hell you cry
Devil on your back, I can never die

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Do it baby, do it baby
Do it baby, do it baby
Burn like an animal

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula

Dig through the ditches
And burn through the witches
And slam in the back of my Dragula
(boos and whistling)

[ 1 viestiä | ]