Kuvassa on Avery Jackson, joka tosiaan on yhdeksänvuotias transtyttö. Käsittääkseni hänelle ei kuitenkaan olla antamassa hormoneja, saati varattu leikkausaikaa, joten kuva taitaa olla kömpelöä propagandaa. Jos aihe oikeasti kiinnostaa:
"Avery's mother, Debi Jackson, 42, said her child went from being a "happy, outgoing 2-year-old boy to becoming sullen and depressed" between the ages of 3 and 4. Avery became angry and withdrawn and hated going to preschool, Jackson said. "She started talking about death a lot."
When Avery dressed up in a princess dress, the darkness lifted, said Jackson --
One day when they were walking through Target on a holiday shopping trip, Jackson said Avery turned to her and said: "You call me a boy, you think I’m a boy, but you know I’m a girl on the inside, right?" --
And then came another pivotal moment, Jackson said. Avery was going to a birthday party on a Sunday afternoon and her mom asked her to put on boy clothes for a few hours. "No," Avery said. "I don't want to pretend to be a boy." Avery dressed as a girl and none of her friends "batted an eye," Jackson said.
On Monday morning, she dressed for school "in pink head to toe," Jackson said. "And she was excited about going to school for the first time in months.""
Itse en uskaltaisi mennä suoralta kädeltä sanomaan, kumpi on huonompi vaihtoehto: antaa Averyn olla tyttö vai pakottaa hänet pojan rooliin.
>>8946 Eihän totuudella ole koskaan väliä. Koko pallo pyörii luotujen mielikuvien varassa. Tämän asian muuten hoksasi ensimmäisena Joseph Goebbels. Ja käytti oivallustaan surullisen tehokkaasti. :(