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pärskähti :3 pärskähti :3
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Kolmelta aamuyöstä Kolmelta aamuyöstä
Ostan heti! Ostan heti!
svarzineggeri svarzineggeri
RAWR valkoinen peto :3 RAWR valkoinen peto :3
sukka tapaus sukka tapaus
Masennus Masennus
imurille käyttöä :3 imurille käyttöä :3
Pascal Darras Pascal Darras
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Dylan Dylan
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Pyöräilyä Pyöräilyä
kuka muistaa kuka muistaa
hups hups
Tissed Tissed
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 138 näyttökertaa, 6 viestiä, 21.5 MB, 1 tiedosto, 22.03.2019 01:52:55
[ + 0 | ]

This Is the New (s)Hit! - Marilyn Manson

[26587] [Marilyn-Manson---This-Is-The-New-Shit-(Official-Music-Video).mp4] [21.5 MB] [480x360] [] []

22.03.2019 01:53:00
#174581 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Everything has been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along.

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along,

Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
tomorrow's never coming.
This is the new shit.
Stand up and admit.

Do we get it? No.
Do we want it? Yeah.
This is the new shit,
Stand up and admit.

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along.

Everything has been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name,

Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
tomorrow's never coming.
This is the new shit.
Stand up and admit.

Do we get it? No.
Do we want it? Yeah.
This is the new shit,
Stand up and admit.

And now it's "you know who"
I got the "you know what"
I stick it "you know where"
You know why, you don't care.
And now it's "you know who"
I got the "you know what"
I stick it "you know where"
You know why, you don't care.

And now it's "you know who"
I got the "you know what"
I stick it "you know where"
You know why, you don't care.
And now it's "you know who"
I got the "you know what"
I stick it "you know where"
You know why, you don't care.

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along,

Are you motherfuckers ready
For the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
tomorrow's never coming.
This is the new shit.
Stand up and admit.

Do we get it? No.
Do we want it? Yeah.
This is the new shit,
Stand up and admit.

So, let us entertain you
So, let us entertain you

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along.

So, let us entertain you

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along.

So, let us entertain you

Babble babble bitch bitch
Rebel rebel party party
Sex sex sex and don't forget the "violence"
Blah blah blah blah everybody sing along.

22.03.2019 02:22:21
#174593 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Miks mä muistasin että se laulaa new shit?
Mandela efekti confirmed?

( @Rampa tässä on oikeakin kysymys, mutta sen jälkeen vitsaillaan sillä että mandela efekti olisikin totta )

[ 6 viestiä | ]