Rasisti Rasisti
ranska ranska
Taikatemppu, oho! Taikatemppu, oho!
Paavo Paavo
Rassismi Rassismi
en voi hengittää en voi hengittää
Ryssät ryssii Ryssät ryssii
White Power White Power
Maailman valtias Maailman valtias
Taikuutta :3 Taikuutta :3
Niin kauas ollaan tästä tultu. Niin kauas ollaan tästä tultu.
Dimmu 🤣 Dimmu 🤣
kääpiö kääpiö
Erikois hiekkalaatikko :3 Erikois hiekkalaatikko :3
Ovi Ovi
sandra bull sandra bull
Iltiksen moderointi Iltiksen moderointi
Jeccu :D Jeccu :D
Demarin aamupala Demarin aamupala
keittiössä hääräilyä keittiössä hääräilyä
mustalainen mulliturpa mustalainen mulliturpa
Vasuri ja demari, arvopohjat. Vasuri ja demari, arvopohjat.
Kesä on taas täällä Kesä on taas täällä
Syy miksi idiootit kannattaa pakettia. Syy miksi idiootit kannattaa pakettia.
 288 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 1.61 MB, 1 tiedosto, 24.10.2018 18:15:21
[ + 0 | ]

EODM (Eagles of Death Metal) - Complexity


(10)  · 


(165)  · 


24.10.2018 18:16:25
#113034 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

You didn't want to scratch but then you got the itch
You only wanted Stoa but you got the witch
You know you're always paying for the shit that's free
It's not easy with this complexity

I tried to make it easy never stop the flow
Just keep between simple let a little skin show
My socks and underwear I like to keep them clean
It's so easy without complexity

You say you want to finish but you never start
You want to get it finished but you just try hard
It don't take nothing fancy it's just ABC's
It so easy without complexity

You want the good stuff
You want the big hit
Found out it's simple come on and take it
But if you close your eyes then you won't see
That it's easier without complexity

To broke to pay attention better get you some
When trouble's up I double up on bubble gum
I like to strut my stuffing down on easy street
So completely without complexity

I tried to make it easy never stop the flow
Just keep between simple let a little skin show
My socks and underwear I like to keep them clean
It's so easy without complexity

You want the good stuff
You want the big hit
Found out it's simple come on and take it
But if you close your eyes then you won't see
That it's easier without complexity

You want the good stuff
You want the big hit
Found out it's simple come on and take it
But if you close your eyes then you won't see
That it's easier without complexity

[ 1 viestiä | ]