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 686 näyttökertaa, 8 viestiä, 0.92 MB, 2 tiedostoa, 22.08.2018 16:47:56
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Ollako homo vaiko eikö olla?

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(47)  · 


22.08.2018 22:31:23 | 22:33:02
#86349 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

The comical image of the tanuki having a large scrotum is thought to have developed during the Kamakura era, where goldsmiths would use the pelts of tanuki for the process of hammering gold nuggets into leaf. Due to the actual wild tanuki having disproportionately large testicles, a feature that has inspired humorous exaggeration in artistic depictions, and how gold nuggets share a homophone with testicles in the Japanese language, such associations would come to memetically link them together into its folklore image tradition of being a creature of wealth and whimsy. Tanuki may be shown with their testicles flung over their backs like travelers' packs, or using them as drums. As tanuki are also typically depicted as having large bellies, they may be depicted as drumming on their bellies instead of their testicles — particularly in contemporary art.


[ 8 viestiä | ]